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We live within an incalculably discrete moment which exists between the definitive complexities of the past and the enduring inevitability of an infinite future. These opposing states of being meet within an ever-shifting moment with less relativistic substance than either of them. This is a point in time that can hardly be considered as real. A point with no proven parameters.
Consider the question of where or when along our life's thread, our timeline of existence, does the present take form? This is most difficult, if not impossible to identify because the immediacy of the moment forever slips away into the past when perceived from our current position and is constantly overwhelmed by the looming presence of the future. All that we can know for sure is that from the one state, the other is constructed.
The future, the reactive effect, is birthed from the ripe potential of the past, the catalyst. To attempt to pinpoint the one, however, to fix either in place within an unmalleable present moment, is to lose sight of the other.
Neither can be simultaneously calculated, as their final positions are too dependent upon a unique set of variables. Drill down into this present moment far enough and the dividing line between what was and what is to be becomes less defined, blurs until it becomes hard, even impossible, to separate.
Where then do we physically and consciously abide? How do we exist in the present when it is constantly shifting into the past and evolving into the future? Is the present, in and of itself, an abstraction, an immaterial reality? Or is it a self-immolating event, destroyed before it can ever have been said to have existed at all?
Like the after image of a distantly viewed flash of light perforating the night sky.
Perceived from our position, we objectify the existence, rationalize the presence, and fill the sky with our imaginings. We bear witness to a sea of stars. But which of them are merely representational of what was? Is it possible that all of what we see is no more than a fading flash? And if all that we perceive has been reduced to naught but imagination, can there be an argument made to justify that they were never there at all?
And perhaps we can find our correlation to the stars. Find our connection there amidst the firmament. But what we won't find is that singular moment down in between what was and what is to be. The moment that isn't there, down where we abide within a metaphysical abstraction, where we discretely exist within our physical forms.
To look at it, to attempt to consciously observe this moment, to contemplate the constantly accumulating past or the rapidly approaching future, is to assure that it becomes something else. It is a particularity completely undone by the mere fact of our observation.
In this way, our present moment is a point of origination for our Quantum of Purpose, that undefined state of being which forever unites two definitive positions; one stationary, the past; the other transitory, the future.
This provides an infinite array of possibilities for an understanding of 'right now'.
In this present moment the two states are fused seamlessly into the product of our existence. The final outcome may be determined based upon the previous position.
How we arrive there, however, is an infinitely shifting equation.


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