We live within an incalculably discrete moment which exists between the definitive complexities of the past and the enduring inevitability of an infinite future. These opposing states of being meet within an ever-shifting moment with less relativistic substance than either of them. This is a point in time that can hardly be considered as real. A point with no proven parameters. Consider the question of where or when along our life's thread, our timeline of existence, does the present take form? This is most difficult, if not impossible to identify because the immediacy of the moment forever slips away into the past when perceived from our current position and is constantly overwhelmed by the looming presence of the future. All that we can know for sure is that from the one state, the other is constructed. The future, the reactive effect, is birthed from the ripe potential of the past, the catalyst. To attempt to pinpoint the one, however, to fix either in place within an ...