“I am
JoAnquis Melliofor, called Jo-Mel of the Wilds. I will tell you of
what I am and how I came to sit here by your side...”
And thus
begins the chronicle of Jo-Mel's life as she sat with Monique
underneath the protection of The Breaker, its warding concealing
them, silencing the world around them.
their words, they began to construct a working, a binding created
through the traditions of the griot. Shared stories, shared
experiences, formed an enchantment, a magical Telling that wove
together the empathetic emotional patterns of the reciter and the
receiver, forming a bridge, a bonding, between them.
“I do
not remember my journey's beginnings. Not many can, it's true, but
my recollections do not start until after I had been left alone, a
child of eight years or so, to fend for myself in the Border Realms
on the far side of the Great Forest.
These are
the uncharted lands adjacent to the Long Plains Kingdom, known for
their chaotic magics. These are the Wilds.
are those who say that such as I were born from these chaotic
energies. That we are simply an expressive side effect arisen from,
and with no mother or father, born and orphaned of these magics.
“It is
commonly believed that the Peoples of the Wilds, clouded in mystery,
originate from beyond and once lived within the soft places, the
undefined realms where reality thins and stretches out beyond the
physical boundaries that give way beneath the plains of Eternity.
or not this is true is for those greater than me to determine. What
I know of myself is that I was left there, in the Wilds, to wander
alone as a child with no memory.
you see it, Monique Felani?” Jo-Mel asks.
Monique replies. And she can. She is lost to the tale, pulled in
through Jo-Mel's subtle magics. Her dreamy eyes look, but she
doesn't see Jo-Mel. She see's Jo-Mel's story. She sees the history,
the memory, unfold before her. “I can see it...”
on, Jo-Mel nods her head, pleased by their strengthening connection.
I can only recall being constantly harassed and hunted. Beaten,
raped and tortured once captured.
men, both from within the Incata and some even from Earth, would
often make incursion into the Wilds, searching for such as I, wanting
to harness our essence. But this was a fool's quest. Nothing from
within this place is controllable for long.
thing can be, because, just like the magics of the Wilds, the living
things which quicken there are also chaotic, unrefined, dangerous.
Its peoples embody this chaotic energy. It runs through our very
blood. This grants great favor, unifying us all, binding our nature
to the life systems of the world around us.
though, can also tempt some into succumbing to their descendant
natures, causing them to become great threats to the cyclic unity of
the Incata. Many of the Incata's most dangerous creatures, in fact,
its most fearful demons and myths, women and men, have emerged from
or crossed over from the soft lands through here.
though these lands are most wild and unpredictable, the very flora
and fauna having taken root in the magically creative soil and grown
to be something more, we, the Children of the Wilds, have learned to
speak and listen and live and learn from the ancient wisdoms embodied
within it. We consume its bounties and slake our thirst with its
living flesh. It then flows through our blood, transforming us,
inviting us to know of its song.
“I am
JoAnquis Melliofor, orphaned daughter of the Wilds. I set out to
seek the larger world, the larger worlds, as a mere child. I
wandered alone, moving further and further away from the places I had
always known, the comforts I had been able to hew out from the heart
of danger and was immediately captured as a young girl.
“I was
near feral. My life's blood had just begun to flow. My captors
thought me a harmless flower to be abused for their amusements. They
hobbled me, kept me confined within their expedition camps as little
more than a pet and plaything. Soon come, they thought me broken,
completely compliant.
“I took
the eyes of the first of them two years into my captivity. After the
beating, the punishment for his maiming, I was left for dead amongst
the wild tangle of growth as the expeditionary party moved on.
the Wilds, the very Incata, itself, opened up and swallowed me into
its body. There I stayed. I healed and grew strong and learned much
of the ways of the magical nature of the Source. I was rejuvenated.
reborn, I sought out the remainder of my captors and slaughtered
them, every one. I destroyed their sorcerous machinery and set fire
to their camps.
“It was
here, sent finally to investigate the incursions by those responsible
for my capture, that Askauri found me, standing amid the flames.
rage broke against the comforts of his sorrowful, sympathetic arms as
he fought against my resistance. He offered me his protection.
strange thing, I thought then, the unadulterated kindness of a man.
burned with the creative energies that grew from the very ground
beneath our feet. I was as much an instrument of the Living Chain of
Infinite Existence as the trees, the grass, stones and air. The very
elements themselves spoke to me. I had exacted revenge upon my
tormentors, upon those who'd desecrate the sanctity of the Wilds and
would have been content to stay, to live out my life amongst that
which was familiar.
instead, I was delivered into the strange comforts of Askauri's
world. He brought me back to the Capital city, Chikiti Enzi, where
he treated me as no less than his 'little sister' and placed me under
his mentorship.
“I was
provided with my own suite of rooms within the Royal Houses and
entered into the Academies run by the Moor's, high up in the
mountains, and the Ethiope, across the Seas of Sand. I attended and
excelled in the Military Academies afterwards and soon joined
Askauri's Royal Units.
quickly rose in rank and now sit as his Second.
is who I am, Monique Felani Kokua-Binti. This is who you will always
know me to be.
“And by
this you have my word. You have my story. I give it to you freely
so that you may choose, if you so desire, to make it a part of your
own. It would be my honor to accept the same.”
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