BATTERED: a movie review After its most violent and gut-wrenching opening scene, Battered, Halle Berry's Netflix -starring, directorial debut, settles into the mundanity of its title characters subsistence. Living a haunted, ghost's shell of a life, Jackie Justice, a former UFC prospect, reacts violently to the creepy intrusion of a voyeuristic, Succession -level rich kid, who apparently has a thing about covertly filming her as she changes from her maid's uniform into her own clothing. This repeated intrusion triggers a violent exchange, leading on to a series of catastrophic events which culminates in the unexpected arrival of her long estranged child, a traumatized 6-year old, mute with shock after watching his father, an undercover police officer, get violently murdered. That's a lot to process, right? Well, this is just the start of a long and often painful ride that lasts through two hours of bruises, blood, cruelty and, somewhere along the way, a little bit...